We are happy to offer one return or exchange on all full-priced shoes in their new, unworn condition within 45 days from the order fulfillment/ship date. We can only accept gift returns on items purchased directly through livieandluca.com, and shipped within the contiguous United States. Shoes must ship in their original box/packaging.
A $5.00 return service fee will be applied to all returns/exchanges. This fee will be automatically deducted from refunds. Exchange orders will be charged the $5.00 service fee at the time the exchange is set up. Customers who opt for Store Credit will have the $5.00 service fee waived.
To begin the Gift Return process, visit our Returns Portal and select the 'Start Here' button under "Returning or exchanging a gift?" - you will be prompted to enter the order number and shipping zip code associated with the pair(s) you would like to return.
If you do not have the order number or shipping zip code, click 'Don't have your order information' and fill out the form. Once you've submitted the form, our team will research and attempt to locate the original order in our system.